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The nine Rites of the Munay Ki are attunements installed as seeds within you and your energy field as energetic transmissions. They are a set of energetic keys that give us access to and allow us to grow, heal and open up to our own truth. Once you have been gifted the Rites they will continue to flourish and grow within you as healing occurs at all levels, our intuition deepens, we begin to perceive the world of energy, our creativity strengthens, passion for life enriches us and so much more! You’ll find the sacred knowledge we all hold within us will become available to you at just the right time.


Munay Ki translates to 'I love you' or 'I love you as you are' and the Rites are a journey of ever-expanding love. They are a truly amazing gift that has been handed down to us from some of the greatest Earthkeepers (wise medicine men and women) and sacred knowledge holders of all time. The Rites are a gift that will begin to transform both you and your life, for the better, in all areas from the day you receive them.


The Munay Ki is a calling, much like it is said that Reiki calls you rather than the other way around. At this crucial time in our history, they are almost a necessity to bring us back into harmony with ourselves and each other as they begin to heal us and our ancestral and genetic inheritance, allowing us to bring peace back into our chaotic world.The fact you are reading this right now is not a coincidence. Not everyone is called to the Rites or to have all of the Rites either, it is up to you how many you wish to receive. It is a magical journey, full of miracles and the seemingly impossible. Our eyes and hearts open wide to the wonders of all creation

To an Earthkeeper, love is not a feeling or something your barter with. Love is the essence of who you are, and it radiates from you as a brilliant aura: You become love, practice fearlessness, and attain enlightenment ~ Alberto Villoldo 


Foundation Rites


1st Rite . Bands of Power

2nd Rite . Healers Rite

3rd Rite . Harmony

4th Rite . Seers Rite


Lineage Rites

(recommend you have received Foundation Rites)


5th Rite . Daykeeper Rite

6th Rite . Wisdomkeeper Rite

7th Rite . Earthkeeper Rite


The Rites to Come

(only if you have received Foundation & Lineage Rites)


8th Rite . Starkeeper Rite

9th Rite . Creator Rite

10th Rite . Wombkeeper Rite


The 10th Rite of The Womb

£80-£100 per hour

A sacred lineage of women through the jungle medicine has given us the 10th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb.

Once you receive it you share it with as many women as possible. You transmit the wisdom from your womb to hers... And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth.

This Rite can be shared in a Sacred Ceremony which may include other Rituals and information.   

After completion of 10 Rites

After completion of all 10 Rites, you will receive:


A PDF Manual with Information on the following and more - 


Calling in the Four Directions

Creating Sacred Space

Fire Ritual Ceremony to Grow the Seeds of each of the Rites

Fire Meditations for Harmony Rites

Lineage information

How to Gift the Rites to others

A Certificate of Completion of Receiving the 10 Rites and ability to pass them on to others

Your own Munay Ki Pi Stone

Video recording by Alberto Villoldo (freely copied at his request)


Additional recommended viewing, reading and further mentoring information. Should you have  further enquiry or require assistance 


Please Contact Lorna to discuss further and/or book your Initiation(s).


Alternatively, the Rites can be received as individual rites... please speak with Lorna to discuss your feelings and requirements.

1:1 Sessions for Rite Transmissions

Up to 2 rites £80 - £100 per hour

The Munay Ki Rites 1 & 2 can be offered in a one-off session and are suitable for all. These two Rites may appeal especially to those who may have experienced trauma during their lives, as we do not have to relive or tell our stories to heal this trauma with the Healers Rite.


This can be dealt with in our sleep solely at an energetic level and will not bring up anything we don't want to the surface. Rite 2, the Bands of Power, is extremely beneficial to those who are sensitive to other people’s energy as they provide protection for your energy field and transmute negative energy for you. This Rite is also ideally suited for all healers as it also enhances your own healing abilities.


Receiving these Sacred Rites is suitable for everyone. Receiving the Loving Universal Energy of the Munay Ki Rites 1 & 2 will allow their magic like qualities & life-enhancing benefits to working with(in) you for the rest of your life.


Personal one to one session time with free transmission of up to two Rites ~ 1 hour ~ £80 - £100 You may wish to further your Initiations with the other Rites after receiving 1st & 2nd Rite.


For more information or to find registered money-ki rites graduate in your area... go to ~ The 13th Munay Ki Rite, The Rite of the Womb please see here


Purpose of Each Rite

Rite One: Healer’s Rite ~ Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist you in your personal transformation, awakening the healing power so that everyone you touch is blessed. We access tremendous spiritual assistance; ancient healers who help heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.


Rite Two: Bands of Power ~ Five energy belts are woven into your Luminous Energy Field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energies that come toward you into one of the five elements, earth, air, fire, water and light, feeding your LEF instead of allowing those energies to make you sick


Rite Three: Harmony Rite ~ A transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the Chakras. First you receive the archetypes of serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle; next, you receive three archangels: the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super-conscious).


Rite Four: Seer’s Rite ~ Pathways of light connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.


Rite Five: Daykeeper’s Rite ~ You connect to a lineage of master healers from ancient times. Daykeepers can call on ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, and on the sun to rise each day, bringing us into harmony with mother Earth. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.


Rite Six: Wisdomkeeper’s Rite ~ You connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, and taste infinity.


Rite Seven: Earthkeeper’s Rite ~ This rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our solar system, stewards of all life on Earth. It lifts you from your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free to begin your journey to the stars, beginning with the sun, our local star, so you may dream your world into being.


Rite Eight: Starkeeper’s Rite ~ This rite helps your physical body to evolve into Homo Luminous; the ageing process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease. You accept the seat around a holy fire at the centre of the Sun, a place that has been held for you since the beginning of time


Rite Nine: Creator Rite ~ As it awakens the Creator-light within, this rite brings stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies.


Once you discover that Spirit not only works through you but AS YOU, and all of creation is happening inside you, the stewardship then becomes natural. These Rites are gifted as seeds... as you work with the germination of these rites you’ll be touched and blessed by angels. You simply need to open yourself to the wisdom of the Earthkeepers, and all will be bestowed upon you.


“We have been the keepers of rites that usher whom we are becoming as a people, as a planet. These processes are not only for the Indians but for the entire world.” ~ Don Manuel Quispe to Alberto Villoldo, PhD.

The Origin of the Munay Ki Rites

The rites of the Munay-Ki were brought to the West by Dr Alberto Villoldo, distilled from his work as a medical anthropologist with the high shamans of the Amazon and Andes.


A message from Dr Villoldo:Rites of passage and initiation have been practiced for millennia by all peoples in the Earth. The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. They are stripped of all trace of the indigenous cultures they come from. I did this to respect the native traditions, and to avoid the idea that persons from the West can become traditional shamans or Indians.


I offer these rites with full permission from my teacher, Don Manuel Quispe, who was the last great medicine man of the Q’ero Inka nation. Any fault or flaw in their presentation is exclusively my own.The Seers rite is practised among the North Coast peoples of Peru, (the descendants of the Chimu and Moche cultures), and by the seers and trackers of the Amazon.The Harmony Rite comes from the lowland Q’ero, the Huachipayre people from the edge of the Amazon. I learned it from Don Alejandro Cahuanchi, a renowned healer.The Bands of Power were transmitted by Juan Victor Nuñez del Prado, a friend and colleague, whose father was one of the discoverers of the Q’ero nation.The Healers Rite is known as the Hampe blessing and comes from the highland Q’ero people.The Daykeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Pampamesayok, referring to the lowlands and valleys of the ‘pampa’, and to the mesa or altar.The Wisdomkeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Altomesayok rite, referring to the high mountains of the Andes. Don Manuel Quispe was the great Altomesayok of Q’ero.The Earthkeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Kurak Akuyek rite, referring to the elder who ‘masticates’ the wisdom to nurture the young ones who follow.The Starkeepers Rite is known as the Mosoq Karpay, which means the ‘new rite’ in the Quechua language. This rite announces and prepares one for the ‘time to come.’The Creator Rites are known as the Taitanchis rite. The word Taitanchis literally translates as ‘God.’These rites are not only stages of initiation, but perhaps steps for the evolution of humanity. As nations fight for bits of territory and battle over land, we must find the wisdom to create peace among all peoples.


As our space telescopes show us images of a vast and immeasurable Universe, we must find a human story that is inclusive of the stars. And as our ability to destroy the world increases, we are called to step up to the task of assuming stewardship for all creation.In essence, the rites are about stewardship. They are not ego-awards or recognition of any kind of achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make one uniquely unimportant. Only then, from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service. In Munay, ~ Alberto Villoldo PhD


Lorna ..... Still processing all this! Feel reborn and yes... I do feel as if I have shed skins and dross! I don't know how to Thank You for the gift of these Rites and all you do for me, Lorna ! You really are an earth angel and I can't believe how blessed I am to call you my friend! Feeling in deepest gratitude and truly blessed I just cannot convey in words the enormity and power of these Rites and I am eternally grateful I received them from you, my darling friend. Aileen Rowan and Cara Potts so enjoyed your company and your energy in this unique, life-transforming process. We are now connected on many levels. You know I was drawn to have the Rites Lorna and the synchronicity that led me back to you is nothing short of divine intervention! What a story! What an experience! For those folks on this post who are interested .... this is spectacularly powerful stuff and you would be in the best hands ever to receive them from Lorna Cannot Thank You enough for your guidance, wisdom, kindness, and LOVE! You are an incredible human being Lorna McLean I'm so blessed to call you a long-standing friend! How lucky am I I Love You ~ Irene McCabe

Y'Know me Lorna darling, not one to be lost for words ..... but seriously this has been one of the most life-transforming 2 days I've ever had ......... utterly Priceless, Totally Sacred....... huge and powerful medicine ....... I'm blown away 100% I've shed lifetimes of skins already ......... Thank you with all I am ......... Love you all Xxxxxxxxx Aho to all of that ...... this is the most Important gateway for those that feel the call the step through ....... our very evolution depends on this depth of workSoooo grateful to have shared with you Irene, Aileen and Darling Lorna ....... it was more than perfect Lets take it to the fire :) I'm still speechless ....... and I know these tears come from the power, love and Sacredness we were all graced over the workshop Sister, I know that my life is never going to be the same again ...... and this is only the beginning ......... With all my gratitude and deepest love and respect to you ~ CARA POTTS

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